Oneissa discovered her passion for culinary when she attended AI Prince Tech and learned about all the different positions in the culinary field. After graduating, she went on to work in a variety of places. Most recently, she had a job as a warehouse associate until she was laid off due to COVID-19.

Despite the hardship she was facing, she remained hopeful and took the time to reflect on her future. Realizing some of her previous jobs weren’t helping her on the path she wanted to take, she joined our Customer Service in Culinary Program at The Kitchen when we reopened. She decided it was time for her to get back out there and start pursuing her passion.

During her training with us, she mastered her knife skills, all while learning about herself. She has grown more confident and patient, a skill she says she’s worked to acquire her whole life. Every day she looks forward to getting up and going to work. She said it feels good to build upon her skills and feel inspired amongst her colleagues.

Our on-the-job training program provides an opportunity for youth like Oneissa, to learn skills in a real work environment, setting themselves up for success in their internships and future job placements. These skills will be needed even more as our participants search for jobs in an industry that has seen a decrease of 2.5 million jobs, particularly amongst people of color. Together, we can use the power of food to help people change their lives.